천안룸싸롱 O1O.9785.4389 천안노래클럽 천안정통룸싸롱 천안풀싸롱

천안룸싸롱 O1O.9785.4389 천안노래클럽 천안정통룸싸롱 천안풀싸롱

천안룸싸롱 O1O.9785.4389 천안노래클럽 천안정통룸싸롱 천안풀싸롱
천안룸싸롱 O1O.9785.4389 천안노래클럽 천안정통룸싸롱 천안풀싸롱

천안룸싸롱 O1O.9785.4389 천안노래클럽 천안정통룸싸롱 천안풀싸롱

But this time I used a little trick.After making only the

visible parts as standard.The ones placed in the back

were made larger so that they could be reused. Tha

nks to this, a large artificial flower was created and t

he amount of linen used was significantly reduced.

I came out with him to see him off, looked at Gajin

who was standing next to me, and asked him how

the linen used in the borcha was being recycled.“Th

e women in the workshop are sewing pieces of clo

th and making them into clothes.”“It won’t look like

rags, will it?”“Don’t worry, the children’s clothes do

n’t show anything at all.”I nodded that I understoo

d.He was now much more of an expert on textiles t

han I was. He had no choice but to do so because

he stayed in the workshop weaving and making cl

천안룸싸롱 O1O.9785.4389 천안노래클럽 천안정통룸싸롱 천안풀싸롱

othes all day.Most of the clothes made this time

will be disposed of in exchange for sulfur importe

d from Japan.What the Japanese preferred the mo

t were Goryeo fabrics and dishes, to the point of o

bsession.‘How much longer will I have to endure?’

My patience was slowly reaching its limit.Gongm

n King, how on earth did this guy tolerate it?

However, contrary to the boiling emotions, the o

pposite sex continued to send red flags telling us

to wait at least 2 to 3 years.Even if you are not c

onfident that you can win, you have to be at a le

vel where you can compete with them in order to

show courage.As my thoughts reached that point,

there was one person who came to mind.

“Anyway, Lee In-im, what on earth is this guy doin

천안룸싸롱 O1O.9785.4389 천안노래클럽 천안정통룸싸롱 천안풀싸롱

g that hasn’t come back yet?”*The back alleys oft

e capital Madurai.Lee In-im ran with all her might.

The city in darkness was like a maze.Madurai is a p

lace so notorious that even people who live here o

ften get lost.If there was a slightly higher place, I w

ould have climbed up and checked where it was,

but as it is a city built on the Great Plains, there

was no place to do so.At that time, I heard foots

eps in front of the alley.As I hurried to the side an

d hid myself, I saw a Madurai soldier carrying a to

rch passing by.His eyes, reflecting the flickering light,

looked crazy, and blood was dripping from the cresc

ent-shaped knife he held in his hand.As they passed

by, Lee In-im let out the breath he had been holding

천안룸싸롱 O1O.9785.4389 천안노래클럽 천안정통룸싸롱 천안풀싸롱

and collapsed into his seat.His breath rose to his chi

n and he could no longer run.“Damn it! “I knew it

ould be like this.”Lee In-im accidentally hit the floor.F

or some reason, the sultan’s impression was not that

good from the beginning, but in the end, things en

ded up like this.There was something strange about

him, ever since he hesitated every time he asked Tany

a about the Sultan.